Follow me during my six monthes trip in Finland. Discover with me, the local way of life, Finn's habits or the typical food. Take the time to visit and enjoy !

samedi 8 janvier 2011

First food test : OLVI Kotikalja

Brand: OLVI

Product name:  Katikalja (beer 2,2% alcohol)

Price: 1,29€

Why this product ?
I choose this product by chance. The package and the sticker appeared as different as the other bottles.
I really didn't know what drink was inside. I just looked at the sticker and, as the majority of Finn's products, you can choose between Finn and Swedish for explanation.... So, I took it with the wish to discover a new kind of liquid, with a Finn's taste.

For people like me who aren't "beer addict", it's a good thing to beginn. The taste isn't bitter. It looks like a beer without alcohol for kids !!
A good drink while eating a typical smoked-salmon... For people who loves to be drunk with beer, please try an other product !

2 commentaires:

  1. Prost, à la tête, au cul, surtout au cul, et pourvu que ça glisse ! <3

  2. Héhé teste aussi les :
    Lupin Kulta et Karhu qui sont relativement bonnes :)

    Enjoy mon petit, envoi moi ton adresse skype si tu en as une que je puisse te call mon petit !

    Mika - Profil Alcoolique Anonyme !
